HI everyone..I AM GOBLU !!

Countdown Pregnancy Ticker

Monday, June 21, 2010

Fetal Development: 32 weeks

Nowadays I can hear almost all sounds and noises outside my mom's belly..
I can feel the rays of sunlight when mum goes to her balcony and stands there ..she does not no how much I love that time..its so dark in here :(
I want to come out fast..i really do not like to stay all these ten months waiting and contemplating about different things..

Even when my pappa calls me from outside and touches me I feel so exited and want to come out at the very moment itself and play with him..he also gets same excited when he sees my head bulging out from my mom's belly..he acts like a child! and continues to speak to me in gibberish..so silly..hee hee!

I have gained alot of weight in the past few days..and gradually mom is becoming a little relaxed by this. Actuallu due to the fact of diabetes and diet etc she was not gaining weight to that extent in the past few weeks. My grand mom was worried herself and tried to convey her anxiety to mom..now she is also happy..
Grand mom ..wait ..still a lot of weight gain is still pending on my side..

Your Baby - 32 Weeks Pregnant

Pregnancy Week 32 Your baby sleeps approximately 90 to 95 percent of the day now. His skin has become thicker and he continues to become more of a pinkish color. Your baby's movements will peak this week. From now on they will change in quantity and quality. Most of the wrinkles are disappearing from your baby's face, and there may be a lot of hair on his head. The weight gain has been fairly incredible
recently. Your baby is now almost 4 pounds and is 17 inches long.

Your Body

Pregnancy Week 32 The discomforts of pregnancy may be wearing you down. Remember to rest as much as you can. There are many things you can do to help relieve some of these discomforts such as massage, relaxation techniques, stretching, exercise, proper posture and a healthy, balanced diet. Be sure not to take any sort of pain medication - even over the counter remedies such as Tylenol or Advil - without first discussing it with your doctor.

You may be wondering about what the birthing process will truly be like. Depending upon whom you ask, you may find yourself with varying examples. According to reports and research, approximately ten percent of women will report that labor is truly painful, while another ten percent will report no pain at all. Everyone else is somewhere in the middle of this spectrum. Your experience will differ from others as you may have a different pain threshold, and may choose to use or not to use any type of medications during birth. There are many factors that can affect the amount of pain you will experience during birth.

Your body is producing a hormone called relaxin. This hormone is responsible for loosening or relaxing the pelvis, making it more mobile during delivery. You may feel the effects of this hormone in your legs as you experience waddling. Don't worry; this is only temporary. And when it comes time to give birth, you will be very grateful it's there.

Your fundus is approximately four inches above your navel.

Common Pregnancy Symptoms in Week 32
  • Breast Changes: tenderness, fullness, darkening of the areola
  • Frequent Urination
  • Constipation
  • Heartburn or Indigestion
  • Headaches
  • Marks
  • Itching
  • Round Ligament Pain
  • Hemorrhoids

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