HI everyone..I AM GOBLU !!

Countdown Pregnancy Ticker

Monday, June 14, 2010

Fetal Development: 31 weeks

Yay! I am 31 weeks ..Hoorray..
Do you understand what that means?

Now the countdown of weeks left can be done in one digit..Both me and mom are happy..

Your Baby's Development This Week

Your baby is probably around 15-16 inches in length and weighs in around 3-4 pounds.

That fat layer is still building up, and with it the skin tone will continue to become more pink and less transparent in appearance.

The brain is becoming more ridged and grooved and the nerves are growing at a tremendous rate. Already the baby is processing information gleaned from all five senses.

Feel like the baby is doing a little dance in response to music? Might not be so much a funny image as a reality. Research has shown that babies do move in rhythm and response to musical input.

Pregnancy Symptoms You May Feel During Week 31

Have you noticed a sticky yellowish substance leaking from your breasts? The presence or absence of it is perfectly normal. Some women will leak this first stage of milk in the weeks before birth, others will only notice it after baby's arrival.

Other leaking issues? You might find it embarrassing, but many expectant moms experience urine leakage when sneezing, or maybe laughing. Wearing a pantyliner may help. Kegel exercises will be helpful as well.

Another uncomfortable reality? Your internal organs are not quite where they used to be. Your bladder feels squished, your lungs stuffed up higher into your chest and the uterus is a whole four inches above the belly button now.

You may experience a feeling of not being able to get your breath, but rest assured baby is breathing just fine. To help you breathe easier, try to sit and stand up straight, and sleep on your side, propped on pillows.

Visit With the Obstetrician

Sometime after 28 weeks your physician may order a Fetal Nonstress Test. This is a simple noninvasive procedure done in around thirty minutes time. Two belts will be placed on mother's abdomen, one to measure fetal heart rate, the other to monitor contractions. The baby's heart rate should increase with fetal activity, and should decrease at rest. Occasionally baby decides to nap during the test, and should that happen, sometimes a little buzzer will be used to wake up baby. This test may be ordered should there be any question on the level of fetal activity, or if there is a possibility of placental function issues, or if this is a high risk pregnancy.

Preparing for Baby

You and your partner may want to check into infant CPR and first aid classes now, as part of your preparation for the new arrival. It's a good idea for anyone who will be around baby, including grandparents or babysitters. The classes are often short and will bring a peace of mind to worrying new parents. Knowing that you are prepared for emergencies will make you feel much more confident as a new parent.
Pregnancy Lifestyle

Are you getting your body ready for labor? There are exercises that are helpful in preparing for childbirth. First of all, doing Kegel exercises daily will definitely help with labor and after wards. Contract those muscles you use to shut off the flow of urine. Work on holding for five seconds at a time, working up to 10 seconds contracted with 10 seconds rest in between. You should do three sets of 10 a day. Other exercises are yoga type stretches, that are geared to pregnant women and aid in strengthening and stretching and relaxing your muscles, especially those you'll rely on most during birth.


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