HI everyone..I AM GOBLU !!

Countdown Pregnancy Ticker

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Fetal Development: 28 weeks

I am a big man now!!
I can kick, i can swallow, swing, twist, turn, open my tiny eyes, sometimes hic-hic-hiccups do happen but all have to swallow is amniotic fluid, that is the reason ;)
I am gradually feeling more comfortable in my mom's tummy..though my mom is getting more and more uncomfortable with my weight ..he he..

i can hear all that is going all around me..sometimes i feel like peeping to the outside world to see what that noise was all about..some noises are distracting but some are real comfortable.
I have also heard that we get nowadays CDs which have tracks of noises of water trickling down, or sound of wind whispering through the leaves of trees and some peculiar noises like that which may make a baby in the womb rest calmly and develop their IQ in their mother's womb. Will be able to comment more on that topic once papa gets the CD from his office colleague and both me and mom listens to the tunes :)

For now let me give a glimpse of how I look and how mom feels at this moment of 28weeks of gestation period!

28 weeks of gestation period :

By your 28th week of pregnancy, your baby is about 16 inches long and weighs 3-1/2 to 4 pounds. The skin is wrinkled but will become less so as more subcutaneous fat, the layer of fat just under the skin, is laid down in the next few weeks. Fine downy hair, called lanugo, and a waxy white protective substance covering the skin, called vernix, are present on the baby's body. The baby's eyes are open. The eyebrows and eyelashes were formed in the fourth month. The baby sucks its thumb and its taste buds have developed. The baby kicks, stretches, and moves frequently in the uterus. These movements, which are readily observable to others, are often keenly felt by the mother. Some mothers may find that the pressure of the growing uterus against the stomach by this week causes heartburn. The fundus, the top of the uterus, is now about one-third of the distance between the umbilicus (bellybutton) and the xiphoid cartilage. Constipation may also occur due to uterine pressure on the lower colon, as well as hormonal slowing of peristalsis (the process of excreting waste). Uterine growth combined with increased maternal weight gain contribute to a recurrence of fatigue similar to that during the early weeks of pregnancy.

By the 28th week, changes in the breasts prepare them for lactation. First colostrum, then milk, is produced by the grape-like clusters of tiny sacs (alveoli) deep within the breast tissue. Clusters of alveoli form lobules, which consolidate to form 15 to 20 lobes. Each lobe connects to a lactiferous duct. As the ducts extend toward the nipple and areolar areas, they widen into the lactiferous sinuses. These sinuses (or milk pools) release the milk through 15 to 20 tiny nipple openings when the baby nurses.

The baby's organs and systems are quite well developed by the 28th week of pregnancy. If born now, the baby would probably survive but would need intensive, specialized care. The final two months of gestation are important for further maturation of all body systems and organs. Full term gestation best prepares the baby for a smooth and healthy adjustment to life outside of your uterus.

taken from:http://www.childbirthconnection.org/

28 weeks pregnancy:

Your baby's crown-to-rump length is approximately 10 inches and the total length of your growing baby is around 15.75 inches. Your baby weighs about 2.4 pounds at this point. Your uterus is a little more than 3 inches above your bellybutton. Your weight gain at this time should be between 17 and 24 pounds.

Blood vessel in the umbilical cord. For several months, the umbilical cord has been the baby's lifeline to the mother. Nourishment is transferred from the mother's blood, through the placenta, and into the umbilical cord to the baby. If the mother ingests any toxic substances, such as drugs or alcohol, the baby receives these as well!

You will probably begin visiting your caregiver once every two weeks. Week 28 is an important week for testing. You will probably be having your glucose tolerance test, an iron level test and if you are Rh negative, you should have an antibody test. The antibody test will determine if you and your baby will have any reactions to each other's blood differences. The glucose test will check for gestational diabetes.

Your baby's brain continues to develop and is now forming the folds and grooves of a fully developed brain. The amount of tissues within the brain also continues to increase in large amounts. The hair that covers your baby's scalp is also getting longer. Your baby is now large enough for presentation to be determined and your doctor might be able to find out if your baby is at risk for being breech. If your baby is breech, don't panic. There is still time for the baby to rotate.
taken from: pregnancy.about.com/.../pregnancycalendar

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