HI everyone..I AM GOBLU !!

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Thursday, May 27, 2010

Fetal Development: 29 weeks

Here comes the details of what happens as I enter the 29 weeks gestational age.

I am becoming bigger and fuller day by day.
And now when I turn to my sides or yawn or even hiccup my mum feels all the movements. That is expected ..right? I am occupying much space of my mom's belly now and you don't expect a grown up person to tiptoe all the time in the time.My mom can see my movements from outside also and gets excited and happy. But sometimes (shhh specially during night time when she goes to bed) if I do some gymnastics or acrobatics to impress my mom and pappa then she is very disturbed and annoyed ;)
I feel more relaxed at night time when she goes to sleep..but mom cannot understand this thing :(
ok mom .. i will try to make my movements more restricted at night.

Fetal development at 29 weeks:

Your baby is now as heavy as a butternut squash- that's about 2.5 pounds heavy and is over 15 inches tall from head to heel.

The muscles and lungs are on its way to becoming more developed and matured. The head is bigger than before- this is to allow more space for growth. Since these are major developments that are taking place, you need plenty of vitamin C, iron, folic acid, and protein to help aid in the normal growth and development of the baby inside your womb. And since the baby's bones are also rapidly growing, you need more calcium in your diet to balance the demands needed by the baby. You can get enough calcium from sources like cheese, yogurt, and milk.

The baby's fats continue to deposit under the skin - making the previously wrinkled skin smooth. These are the white fats, which actually serve as an energy source for the baby. And this explains why you baby is so energized during this period. You can feel more vigorous kicks than before. And the baby responds more quickly to light, sound, and movement.

The brain can now control the breathing patterns and the control the body temperature. Your baby's eyes can now move in the sockets.

Your little one is now more sensitive to sound, light, smell, and taste. The buds for permanent teeth are starting to form in the gums.

By this time, you should be expecting your baby to move or kick at least ten times in an hour. Of course, babies are not all made equal; some are more active than others. But if you get worried, try keeping tack of your babys's movements during a cuople of hours, and discuss the result with your midwife. And remember that even unborn babies do sleep, but usually not for several hours.

Your Body changes:

29 weeks pregnant, your tummy is now big enough that you can no longer see your legs when you are in a standing position; maybe not even your toes.

Forty percent of pregnant women develop varicose veins during this time of the pregnancy. These may be of great concern especially to

those who want to wear skirts. But tell you what, that's better compared to varicose veins in the rectum or in the vulva. Spider veins are not varicose veins. Don't get confused. Spider veins are just due to hormonal changes during pregnancy and will just fade after the baby is born.

Varicose veins can sometimes be painful, but some experience no discomfort from them. These are said to be hereditary in nature. So if your mom had them during her pregnancy, then it is most likely that you will have them, too.

Always remember that the best way to prevent varicose veins is to avoid prolonged periods of sitting or standing. You can use support hose and to have your foot elevated several times a day.

You may also continue to experience same old situations, but heartburn and constipation are more common this time.

Ever wonder why they are common during pregnancy?

It is because of your pregnancy hormone, which is the progesterone. Progesterone is a smooth muscle tissue relaxant - necessary to prevent early contraction during pregnancy. This hormone not only relaxes the smooth uterine muscles but also the muscles in your gastrointestinal tract, making digestion slower, leading to accumulation of waste in the large intestine. And remember that the large intestine absorbs water - leading to constipation.

Progesterone also relaxes the valve that is responsible for back flows of gastric acid, causing the acid to back up, giving that unpleasant and burning sensation or what is commonly known as heartburn. If you experience this at night, talk to your midwife. If is absolutely horrible to wake up at night because of stomach acid coming up. At there is medication available even for pregnant women.


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